Saturday, May 13, 2006

A Revelation, Some Moaning and Alvida

You are *this* close to popularity, Bhikku. The public will surely admire you, if only they find out you exist.

-- The Diary, May 13, 506 BC.

In the past, gentle reader, I have often called you a Hindi-speaking imbecile, an immoral bootlegger and a villainous serial rapist. I regret it now. I shouldn't have stopped there. You are all that, and much more. Why else would you hand to S~, that Satan-worshipping son of a what-not, the greatest triumph of his pathetic life?

But perhaps I should explain, because you clearly aren't one to understand subtlety. If you had even a nanobrain in that airhole skull of yours, you would have recognized that the last post on this space was written not by me--Byron's backside and Updike's underwear that I am--but by someone with the writing skills of a komodo dragon. Aye, my gullible readers, the real perpetrator of the last post was my bosom acquaintance, that poultry-thieving, soymilk-drinking scumbag S~.

Let it be said that S~ is not without his virtues. In his own way, he is quite accomplished. He holds the all-American speed and scoring records for True Love. He has been in and out of True Love with every Bombay girl born between 1972 and 1984, and on one occasion he was writing ghastly love poems about a Patel girl whose name he had heard on the radio 3 minutes ago. His talents, moreover, extend beyond romance. S~ is also the only man I know of, whose spare-time hobby is a Ph.D. His computer skills are legendary. He once found my missing socks by searching on the internet. Give him a computer, and give him a car, and he will bring Osama bin Laden to you, provided you are a Bombay girl, of course.

There are, however, things that S~ is not good at. Subtraction is one of them. Another is writing articles on other people's blogs, and yet, that's exactly what he did last week. I now relate the tale of how that came about. All great stories begin with a phonecall. This one is no exception.

B: Hello. Yenna machan, wazzup?
S: Busy, babu. Just did G~'s groceries. Man, girls do groceries too often. Now I need to go drop off N~ at her boyfriend's place.
B: I note that your loserhood continually grows.
S: That's what you think, moron. N~ is going steady with this random Bong dude now, but who knows what'll happen later? They might break up, and I'll be ready for it. As my grandfather used to say, one should always be prepared.
B: I don't even want to know your loser theories any more.
S: Jackass, at least I'm regularly getting kelas from chicks. You are doing nothing. You are a bigger loser.
B: Ha! But I'm an artist. I'm writing a blog.
S: Oh, that stuff. Why don't you go off drugs for a while? Maybe you'll stop writing such long pointless crap.
B: You're just jealous, comrade. I have a fan following. Eight different people have left comments on that space so far. And I'm not even counting L~T~ as people, considering his doubtful mental condition.
S: Sure, mate. People are leaving comments on your blog, but are they reading it?
B: What do you mean? Of course they are.
S: Of course they aren't. No sensible person would.
B: Says you.
S: I'll prove it. Let me write a piece on your blog. Nobody will notice the difference.
B: Yes, they will. They'll appeal to the UN. They'll send you letter bombs.
S: No they won't.
B: Will too.
S: Will not.
B: Will too.
S: Wait, let's talk reasonably. We'll make it a bet. I write one piece. If nobody comments on the difference, I get to put line to P~'s new roommate. If not, you can put line to her.
B: That's so childish.
S: It is?
B: Of course it is. I haven't seen P~'s roommate. How do I know she's worth letting you spoil my blog?
S: My word of honour. Jilukku jikkan figure.
B: Wogay, I trust you. Write this stupid piece and send it to me.
S: Awright. You get lost. I'm getting late for N~'s ride.

And so he wrote this piece, and I put it up, confident of victory. After all, while mine is pointless crap, his is pointless crap with bad grammar. I expected at least three signed petitions decrying the verbal diarrhoea. None came. Those readers whom I know, I asked them gently if they liked it. I saw a glassy look and a sheepish smile. And then I heard high praise. Excellent, they said. You crack me up, they said. Wonderful stuff, my lad, they said. That casual remark about Azerbeijan, great touch, they said. Not a critical word. No complaining, no enquiries about my mental well-being, no suggested improvements, and absolutely no spitting on that vile piece of Llama-poop.

It's clear. Nobody really reads this stuff. I can write down Timbuktoo's national anthem here, and I'll get some irrelevant comment from my "intellectual" cousin. (Actually, this is fun. She's not really reading this. I can say anything I want about her, and she won't even go tell my mom. D~, you are a stinker. You are a moron. Shame shame puppy shame all the monkeys know your name. Hahahaha!)

These days, S~ calls me everyday.

S: Yullo, maplai! You really should update your blog more often. People are waiting to comment on it, I mean read it.
B: Yeah, OK man.
S: No, seriously. You're really witty and very profound.
B: Dei, stop it. You won. Now don't gloat.
S: No, I don't want to gloat. Honestly. But heh-heh-heh, loser, nanananaNaaaanaaa, chi chi cheetangol, drr-drr.

I can't take this anymore. Somebody please kill S~ and leave me a note with the good news. But remember that just killing S~ doesn't make up for what you did to me. I'm katti with you, forever and ever and ever. Disappear, and never show your ugly mug here again.

[still from Children of Heaven, 1999]


Sharon said...

I read over your blog, and I found it inquisitive, keep posting. Moreover your blog is very unique!!! and
I really mean it!
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Enjoy Blogging & Browsing.

Anonymous said...

See there you go. One more person that never read your blog! Thanks Sharon. May you get many customers.

Ok, my point was a little different. I compared you to rock artists that write good music in the beginning and after achieving stardom revert to producing random crap, which becomes bigger hits. All in the name of fan following. I just wanted to check the groupie theory with your blog, assuming your blog is worth it. Now, take this as a compliment and face it like a man (No crying)!

Lastly, don't judge my writing skills based on the previous post :-(

mimosa pudica said...

Ok. The truth. Honest to God truth (not addressing atheists. you can fill in your belief system in place of blank) . I did think the blog was a bit random and not the usual style.. for instance why did the flow of the blog go from smell to definition of pretty and why so much schtuff about babes. But then decency and patience got the better of me and I told myself 'come back later, dont be harsh and judgemental. He probably had a bad day'
S~.. if you think you have written a fine piece , you have another thing coming. I am not afraid of you. I am not from Bombay.

Anonymous said...

Mimosa: Logically, I'm not afraid of you because you're not from Bombay. Not vice versa. Try to be more "open"-minded about cursed souls like me.

Bhikku hates the previous blog (au contraire, he likes the "Au contraire" line because he likes to say "Au contraire"). He wants no more popularity than he already has and he wishes people don't recognize him for that stupid blog.

The point is that B~ could've written that crap. The three things I tried to incorporate are:
1. No point, just ramble
2. Weird fundas
3. Big words

mimosa pudica said...

To that i say ;-d

Logically, I think I said it could have been B~ on bad day. I was being open hence the silence and no criticism.

You tried to incorporate, but didnt succeed. Think about this... even if it is just ramble, it needs to be very funny. It usually is in B~'s case. The general idea must show through every passage.

Sharvari said...

B, the stuff you say about S is not true at all. Me, N and to some extent A are from Bombay but he never gave us any bhav. I dont think its Bombay thing. I have an idea what is actually is, but if I write that here, he'll probably kill me. Hint: khaman dhokla :D

nupur said...

I am on S~'s side. I think youre talking about the S~ of the yesteryears. He no longer fancies women, gujju or not and is breathing, eating, sleeping his research work. Give him a break! Poor S~!!

Anonymous said...

Not-so-surprisingly, the only folks that rise to my rescue are Bombay chicks. BTW, when B~ says "Bombay girls", he is not referring to the women in that low-down city, but rather a particular group characterized by all that is written in .

I fall often on the dirt
But rise with no hurt
People around try to condole
That truly pains my soul

Thanks anyway!

Darwin said...

I take a week's holiday and this is what happens, I miss the drama!

I always read your blog and comment if I have anything worthwhile to say. If you and S really want to take this to the next level you should put up sitemeter, then you can moniter how long people spend reading your blog, where they are from, how they came across your blog etc.

Then again that might be seen as slightly sad!

Jake said...

so *ahem* B~
if i were to tell you now that i had my doubts all along, you wouldnt believe me much would you ?

b. said...

@mp: i knew it. for discernment and solidarity, we texans just can't be beat. long live.

@darwin, stats counter, eh? no thanks. i'm jobless, but i'm not *that* jobless :-)

@jake, my man: we knows you are a man of honor. we trusts you. we thanks you.

@saale, i eagerly await the next edition of wren, martin & saale.

npr and sn, you parochial easterners: grow up. stand for the truth. you won't be safe for long. s~ hasn't hit on you only because he got disgusted with n~ and is taking a temp break from bombay girls.

in 2002, i was a uber loser. you reformed me and made me a regular loser. for two long years, you kept me out of jail, and supplied me with the three basic needs of mankind: frozen paratha, cheri tam movies and intro to babes. you are my best acquaintance in the whooole world. i thank you.

now that the gratitude is out of the way. now let's proceed to: ippo enna seyveenga? ippo enna seyveenga? powwwwda. so you don't like my writing, but do you have any sisters? no. do you have any pretty cousins? no. do i care what you think? no-ho-ho. powwwwda.

m. said...

'ullo! i just got back, and darn it... i seem to have missed all the fun. sulk
yanyway. your beloved leo land was bootiful :-)

Anonymous said...

Of all the interesting comments on your blog, the one from Sharon is the best! How blissfully unaware she is of all that happens around her: about HER Shakespeare said " Neither age, nor blog, can wither her infinite variety". Hurrah for Sharon! Hurrah for Sharon! Sharon for front page! Sharon for front page!
Over & out.
Fellow inmate of Texas.

Anonymous said...

How funny?
Very funny!
This is our people; all people, none left - all included, all inclusive, none excluded, none explosive. Nobody telling anything, yet meaning everything.

Lesson 1 learnt: Everybody cares!
Awaiting your next discourse,
